Saturday, October 10, 2009

Oh, hi there.

So I got to thinking and I guess now is as good a time as any to revisit this here pizza joint and serve up some tasty pies of information.

Where to (re)start...Ah yes, well as much as it may pain the reader to know, Little Nero's isn't exactly the most lucrative of pizza places. As such, over the past few months its founder was forced to take up employment elsewhere. Where exactly? That's for me to know and you to lose sleep over. It can be said, though, that this 9-5 office job (actually 8:30-5:30...when did this become the norm?) provides just enough time to mull over the most important of life's ethical, moral, and social problems. With that in mind, gear up for future posts tackling such diverse issues as: movies, tv, music, sports, sneakers, beer, and whatever else it is the kids are talking about these days.

I suppose I will limit this post to a re-introduction of Little Nero's to the world at large so I'll leave you all with this gem of a picture I happened upon. I really don't know what to say about it as I feel it speaks for itself.

I only wish that just once I might be able to feel a fraction of the excitement that spread through the body and mind of this photographer when he realized what he had just captured.

In summation and conclusion, I'm back, posts will come, and go Yankees.